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田中 真帆

1994年 神奈川県横浜市生まれ

2017年 女子美術大学 芸術学部 デザイン・工芸学科 工芸専攻 陶芸コース 修了








Maho Tanaka

Born 1994 in Yokohama


About the things that have a relationship with others.


I believe that people have primordial and universal emotions and these sympathies can share through the form. That's why I make the sculpture.

It is hard to connect with others. Because we are a totally individual and we are others. We can not understand each other inherently. However, we still love and will not to leave. Impossibility of communication is not a discontinuation. Trying to understand others, being accepted, to accept, trying to get away, then come to miss and come back soon.That is a continuation.

I think the form of relationship with others is a trace of the communication of such communication​.

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